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Clinichem Oy Ltd. is a manufacturer of test products for instrument cleansing and sterilization in the healthcare facilities and laboratories. Clinichem is an expert in infection prevention by means of process monitoring. Further to that Clinichem is an importer of various equipment and products from the leading manufacturers for the finnish CSSDs and hygiene care purposes.

Automatic washing and sterilization of instruments

Since the year 2000 Clinichem has been developing and manufacturing monitoring products for automatic cleansing and sterilization processes of health care and laboratory instruments. Clinichem has a wide range of highly classified products for the mentioned purposes. The products are supplied in both domestic market and also exported widely.

Respected and one of the leading suppliers in the field of infection prevention for the domestic health care sector

Clinichem is a well known and one of the leading suppliers for the products for CSSD departments and general hygiene purposes in Finland. Imported products are well selected to meet the applicable standards and directives. The products and come from the leading manufacturers.

Quality committed and environment concerned

Clinichem follows the Quality Assurance principles strictly according to the standard ISO 9001 and has built and keeps up the quality system accordingly. For minimizing the ecological footstep Clinichem has built and keeps up also the environment system according to the standard ISO 14001. Both systems are certified.




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Clinichem Oy

Hallitie 12, FI-47400 Kausala, FINLAND

 DNV ISO 9001


Phone numbers

Tel: +358 (0) 5 381 8180
Fax: +358 (0) 5 381 8181



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© 2025 | Clinichem Oy